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last updated 10/4/2002
When I met Rocky,
I fell in love immediately--or almost. We spent hours chatting and talking about so many diverse subjects I cannot even begin to name them. When he told me he had to leave to babysit for his sister, my brain seized. A Grown Man admitting to babysitting, and for his SISTER??? Even more mysteriously, he didn't sound put out by a task that my own plethora of brothers would have cringed at and tried to buy their way out of. I knew then that this was the man I would move heaven and hell to marry.
More than 2 years passed--we were married and expecting our first baby. We were both excited and frightened by the prospect. We had not been married long enough to feel comfortable yet, and we were already trying to make way for a little newcomer. I still had visions of the perfect husband floating around, and quite frankly, Rocky wasn't matching up! I'm sure that I was coming up short on the ole Rocky-wife-o-meter, too. I was moody, distrustful, jealous, moody, lazy, innattentive, moody, argumentative, insecure and worst of all--moody.