Somehow, some way,
God managed to make me hear His voice once more. To divorce Rocky would be to deny that infinite well of love we had conceived Robby from. God had answered my prayers and led me to love a truly honorable and loving man. He had given me the baby I had so long wanted. He had even given me the son I had hoped for. Was I going to toss His gift so lightly aside out of selfishness, just because I wanted a living child? Or was I going to wake up, smell the coffee, and start working on keeping that flame of love alive? Sadly, I watched my dreams of motherhood dissipate as I made the committment to keep my promise to God and to Rocky--to cherish and love and honor him for the rest of my life, til death do us part, amen. Not until then did I realize that Rocky's not wanting more children was no reflection on me, but rather his own sorrow and grief. I also realized that his refusing to have any more babies wasn't all selfishness, but a desperate effort to protect himself from more hurt and grief. Having made my decision, I found the courage to ask Rocky if he had really meant "never" or was there a possibility, maybe in the future...? I don't recall the words he used, but I do remember the balm his love poured over my breaking heart. For the first time in years, I felt loved and at peace. I returned to my marriage bed, and offered an apology to Robby if this seemed like I was being selfish.
Nine months later,
there must have been a big party in heaven--our beautiful daughter Jena was born--entirely healthy in every way, and just as perfect as Robby was. I can still hear God laughing as I watch Jena (...and Julie...and Jody) grow up: "I didn't promise her sons, I didn't promise her no more pain. But I promised her love--and three daughters ought to fill the bill admirably."
Does my story have a happy ending?? I don't know--my story is still being written by the Author.
Thnx, Rene' Sept 10, 1999.