I just love watching things grow...and here is the only place I can do it. My girls grow so slightly that their growth often slaps me upside the head: you know, as in "Oh, my goodness! Why are your skirts so short? Did you hem your pants? Are you wearing my high heels again?"
Here, the plants and things grow a whole lot faster...and I don't have to try and remember when to water 'em, or feed 'em...and most of the time they don't need any clothes, either. Along with the GT's I've been given as gifts, I have collected a few for myself...or adopted 'em, I guess you would say, hee hee! So, in and around my garden, you will meet some of my other adopteds...there are fairies, and angels, and dragons, and....but I'm spoiling your fun, aren't I? Ok, I'll shut up, and you can rest here in My Garden.
Here is a nifty idea from The Site Fights... A curio shelf! I can't figure out where to put it just yet, so I'm parking it right here for now...
Here's the critters that live in my garden...
Bears ::
Butterflies ::
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Teddy 'n' Angel image © Ruth Morehead; webset created by SleepyHead
All images are credited to their creators to the best of my ability.
URL = http://inmemoryofrobby.50megs.com
All other content © 1999-present by SleepyHead.